Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ħarba ... Books galore

Last Saturday me and a quite big number of kids in my class attended an afternoon two-hour session of the International festival of Children's Literature held in St James Cavalier in Valletta between Thursday 22nd and Sunday 25th April. Children enjoyed themselves reading in total silence, or exploring the different styles of kids' literature, drawing or writing poetry and finally listening to an exclusive interview with three of the most popular children's local authors: Carmel G. Cauchi, Charles Casha and Trevor Żahra.

Football festival in the rain ...

Last Friday all the Year 5 classes went on foot to the Birkirkara Football Club artificial training grounds at Infetti for a football festival. The weather didn't promise anything good and in fact it turned out to be a wetty morning with, unfortunately, two or three rain interruptions. But the kids had a great time just the same! They carried out different skills concerning football like shooting, passing, dribbling or holding the ball.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Benvenuti ...

Today a group of Italian students and penfriends (of many kids from our and the 5.3 class) from the primary school of Scicli (near Ragusa), in Sicily, came over for a two day visit to Malta. Their teachers told me that this tour was a reward for the kids' effort during recent exams.

And courteously today they started their short voyage with a visit to our school during the bikeathlon activity. The Italian kids and us soon made friends and started talking about loads of things - hobbies, interests, games and other stuff! The penfriends finally met face to face ... and found themselves in seventh heaven!

Afterwards they came over to our class where we gave each one of them a little souvenir - a postcard about Malta made by ourselves during yesterday's Crafts lesson. Then we watched a short clip, in the media room, about their school and an environmental UNESCO project they embarked upon.

Benvenuti nella nostra classe! Welcome to our class! Merħba!

Year 5.4

School fun run

Today around the school a bikeathlon and fun run were organised. Kids had loads of fun and the atmosphere was electric. Some photos of our class taking part in the activity ...

On your marks ... get ready ....


And finally the finishing line ...

Come on the last bit ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Attivitajiet għal din il-ġimgħa

Din il-ġimgħa ħa tkun imballata daqs bajda bl-attivitajiet, kif ġej:

Għada l-Erbgħa : Crafts billi noħolqu postcard fil-forma ta' suvenir għall-istudenti Sqallin.

Il-Ħamis 22: Fid-9.00 bikeathlon u fun run madwar l-iskola. Ejja ħa niġru! U wara ħa jkollna ż-żjara mill-penfriends tal-iskola ta' Scicli, ġewwa Sqallija

Il-Ġimgħa 23: Bħala parti mill-Healthy Lifestyle Week il-klassijiet kollha tal-Year 5 ħa mmorru (bil-mixi) il-grawnd tal-Infetti għal attivita' organizzata mill-għalliema tal-PE.

Is-Sibt 24 : Dawk it-tfal li ngħataw il-permess mill-ġenituri niltaqgħu l-Belt għall-ħabta tat-2.45pm quddiem il-Berġa ta' Kastilja biex nattendu għall-attivatijiet (bejn it-3.00pm u l-5.00pm) tal-Festival Internazzjonali tal-Letteratura tat-Tfal. Min għandu xi kotba tal-awturi Trevor Żahra, Carmel G. Cauchi u Charles Casha li jixtieq li jiġu ffirmati jġibhom miegħu!


Monday, April 12, 2010

TV Commercials - Our Work, Part II

By Jeremy Bray about the following Persil commercial:

Samira Micallef's fine work about the cute Whiskas advert ...

TV Commercials - Our Work, Part I

Andrea Schembri. Here it is the advert in question:

Sherona Micallef. And here is the Pantene commercial:

Nota importanti

Għeżież ġenituri, llum m'uliedkom bgħatt nota dwar attivita' li ħa jiġu miegħi u li ħa ssir fil-Kavallier ta' San Ġakbu nhar is-Sibt 24 t'April. Ibagħtu risposta lura m'uliedkom (billi taqtgħu l-parti t'isfel) mill-aktar fis possibli, mhux aktar tard mill-Ħamis li ġej għal raġunijiet ta' booking.

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar il-festival tistgħu żżuru hawn

Friday, April 9, 2010


Today we talked about advertisements, their messages, catchy phrases, the music used, etc. Now at home you have to use YouTube 0r Tv to choose two adverts of your liking and filling in this particular handout

Here are some examples of very catchy/funny adverts