My grand grand pa gave me astory book for my birthday. I started reading it immediately and its name was The legend of the crown jewel.
Once there was a team of mountain climbers who went for an adventure. They wanted to find the crown jewel. The crown jewel was on the top of the highest mountian of their town.
They left home befor the sun came up.They walked a lot of miles untill they reached the top of the mountain. They thought it was easy until the mountain started moving under their feet. They didn't know what was happening until they saw that it was a monster. The team saw
a small cave where there was a very bright light. So they ran inside the cave and followed the light and when it stopped they saw a mirror. It opened to where the crown jewel was. But there was one thing they had to do - if they didn't get the crown jewel before 10 o'clock they would be imprisoned in the cave forever. It was nearly 10'o clock so one of them decided to go for it by himself. As soon as Hegra grabbed he ran out as fast as he could and the mirror closed after him. The monster came back to a mountain and everything came back to normal.
Finally a rescue team came for them and took them back home!
Kurvic Farrugia
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