Wednesday, March 31, 2010

L-Għid it-Tajjeb lilkom tfal u lill-familji kollha tagħkom!

The Crown Jewel

My grand grand pa gave me astory book for my birthday. I started reading it immediately and its name was The legend of the crown jewel.

Once there was a team of mountain climbers who went for an adventure. They wanted to find the crown jewel. The crown jewel was on the top of the highest mountian of their town.
They left home befor the sun came up.They walked a lot of miles untill they reached the top of the mountain. They thought it was easy until the mountain started moving under their feet. They didn't know what was happening until they saw that it was a monster. The team saw
a small cave where there was a very bright light. So they ran inside the cave and followed the light and when it stopped they saw a mirror. It opened to where the crown jewel was. But there was one thing they had to do - if they didn't get the crown jewel before 10 o'clock they would be imprisoned in the cave forever. It was nearly 10'o clock so one of them decided to go for it by himself. As soon as Hegra grabbed he ran out as fast as he could and the mirror closed after him. The monster came back to a mountain and everything came back to normal.

Finally a rescue team came for them and took them back home!

Kurvic Farrugia

The lost two-edged sword

Far far away in a small kingdom there was a group of gypsies. One of them was a handsome prince.

In the group of gypsies there were men, women and children. These people were a little dirty, lazy and the place where they lived was practically very messy. The prince of gypsies had a two-edged sword. One day he was going to clean his sword but he couldn't find it. So he offered a sum of money to the person who could find it. So everyone started looking but nobody could find it. When the prince realized that the people couldn't find his sword, he went to look for it himself. But a woman decided that she would go with him, so the prince said ''yes''. They started looking in the Royal Castle, but it wasn't there. All of a sudden a storm came up, so they had to abandon the search. They started to search again after about three weeks. As I was the favourite of the prince he chose me, this time, to go with him.

At last the two edged sword was found in a cryogenic chamber beneath the palace. The prince was so happy and he thanked and gave me the sum of money.

Shelley Tonna

Sunday, March 21, 2010

San Ġorġ Preca

Ħajjet San Ġorġ Preca u l-eżempju tiegħu li għandna nimxu fuqu ...

L-Ambjent Soċjali

F'dan it-topik tkellimna dwar l-irwol ta' ċertu ħaddiema fis-soċjeta' tagħna u kif jaffettwaw ħajjitna. Erġa tihom daqqa' t'għajn u pprova żommhom f'moħħok ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

An interesting school visit to Vittoriosa

On Friday 12th March , our school organised an outing to the historical village of Vittoriosa, better known as Birgu. I was so looking forward and hoped it wouldn't rain!

The first thing we saw on our way, on this cloudy morning, was the Mosque in Corradino Hill which is also a school. We then drove through Cospicua. We started our walk from infront of the three gates. When we got to the Advanced Gate , we saw a bust dedicated to Sir Paul Boffa, an ex-Prime Minister, who was born in 1890. He was born here and represented Vittoriosa until he died in 1962. We started walking towards Couvre Porte (The Hidden Gate) where we saw another bust of Nestu Laiviera who was born in 1908 and died in 1984. Mr Laviera was the speaker of parliament at that time. Then we got through the Main Gate and off to the Inquisitor's Palace which acted as a Church Court from 1574 until 1798.

We then got to the Victory Square where there is the parish church dedicated to Saint Lawrence. The feast of this patron saint is celebrated on the 1oth of August. We walked past where the clock tower, that was destroyed during the war, used to stand. In the middle of the square from where the good Fnday procession passes there is a monumant representing the victories in the Great Siege and the Second World War . We then visited the church and the museum adjacent to it. In the museum we saw the sword and the cap used by Grand master La Vallette. There were photos of the clock tower before it was destroyed and also of people receiving the holy communion through a special instrument to avoid contamination of the deadly disease. On the way back we walked past the monument representing Freedom Day.

We went to the Maritime Museum where we saw items associated with sea. Our trip ended back at the Inquisitor's palace where a very good guide explained in detail all that we find in this huge palace.

It was a very interesting experience and I'm already looking forward to our next trip to Mdina!

Michela Gauci

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ħajjet San Ġorġ Preca

Illum bdejna nitkellmu fil-klassi dwar ħajjet l-ewwel qaddis Malti. U minħabba li l-youtube fil-media room beda jeħel, allura ddeċidejt li npoġġihom hawn :

Dan li ġej huwa dokumentarju, maqsum f'partijiet, dwar ħajjet San Ġorġ irreċtata minn atturi, u għandu laqta moderna.

Dan dwar meta Ġorġ Preca waqa' l-baħar u salva b'miraklu

Dan dwar meta l-Vigarju oppona l-ftuħ taċ-ċentri tad-duttrina

Dwar ħajjet il-qaddis li sejra lura.

Dwar mewtu.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Students' work during Italian lessons

Hi! Every Monday after the second break we have a half-an-hour lesson of Italian and look what we learnt during the past few weeks ...

Jazmine, Shania & Shelley

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It-tieni parti tat-topik dwar it-Turiżmu

Qabel taħdmu l-ġħendawt tal-Istudji Soċjali agħtu daqqa t'għajn lejn il-powerpoint li għamilna fil-klassi din il-ġimgħa.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Għall-ħarġa t'għada

Mela kif tafu l-klassi tagħna għada, suppost (dejjem skont it-temp - nisperaw fil-Bambin li jkun bħal-lum ...) sejrin għall-ħarġa kulturali madwar il-Birgu.

It-tfal għandhom iġibu magħhom il-basket tal-iskola xorta waħda u basket għall-ħarġa li jrid ikun fih :

1) clipboard għall-ħendawt dwar il-postijiet li ħa nżuru (u li trid tkun toqgħod ġol-basket)

2) pokit tal-kuluri u 2 bajrows ħalli jiktbu u jpinġu fuq il-ħendawt

3) lunch u drink (teżaġerawx għax 'qas ħaqq it-toqol u għandna ħafna mixi)

4) umbrella (għal li jista' jkun)

U importanti ĦAFNA li jiġu bl-uniformi SĦIĦA inkella jkollhom jibqgħu l-iskola.

Għal din ir-raġuni li mil-lum tajthom il-HW kollu tal-weekend ħalli t-tfal jkunu jistgħu jqassmuh fuq 4 ijiem u mhux tlieta.

Minbarra l-Maths (li dak għal għada), il-komponiment tal-Ingliż, l-HW tal-Malti dwar il-punteġġjatura, il-HW tar-reliġjon fuq il-ktieb tal-attivitajiet u l-ħendawt tal-Istudju Soċjali kollha għal nhar it-Tnejn.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Feathered Record Breakers

Today's English Comprehension is about Feathered Record Breakers and during which we talked about different species, extinct and living, and thier different WORLD RECORDS!

Handout pgs 34 -35 - Do You remember? (Questions) Nos 1-5; More to think about (True, False or Can't tell) Nos 1-10

The Biggest Bird alive

The Fastest runner

Heaviest extinct bird

The roc (or elephant bird)

Heaviest flier

The African kori bustard

Tallest extinct bird

The New Zealand Moa

Fastest Flier

Spine-tailed swift

Greatest wingspan


Smallest bird

Bee Hummingbird

Deepest divers

Emperor Penguin

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lejn il-Missier : Kapitlu 15

Min falla xi lezzjoni tar-Reliġjon dil-ġimgħa jew inkella l-bieraħ kien għal-lezzjoni tad-Drama waqt l-ispjegazzjoni jsegwi dil-poerpoint biex żgur ma jkun tilef xejn minn dan it-topik.

Malta f'għajnejn it-turist

HW għall-weekend : Handout pgs 75-78 ex F, ex G, ex H, ex I, ex J. iktbu fuq il-handout stess u tħallu xejn barra! Kollox spjegajt fil-klassi ...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lezzjonijiet tat-Taljan


Kull nhar ta' Tnejn wara nofsinhar il-klassi tagħna qed ikollna lezzjoni tat-Taljan fejn fiha qed nitgħallmu kliem ġodda bit-Taljan - fosthom il-ġranet, ix-xhur u n-numri!- kif ukoll dwar dan il-pajjiż tant kbir u sabiħ bħalma għamilna fl-aħħar lezzjoni!

Kien hemm tifel jismu Togo li kellu bżonn l-għajnuna ħalli jitgħallem iżjed dwar pajjiżu.

Kemm qegħdin attenti għall-ispjegazzjoni dwar il-peniżola Taljana.

Brava Shania, hemmhekk tinsab Sqallija!

Le Alpi huma muntanji bejn l-Italja u Franza. Catania huwa raħal fi Sqallija li fih hemm il-vulkan Etna. Firenze hija belt magħrufa għall-arti fejn hemm il-Ponte Vecchio u fil-viċin kien twieled Leonardo Da Vinci. Napli hemm il-vulkan Vesuvio. Venezia, magħmula minn ħafna gżejjer, hija magħrufa għall- karnival u għall-gondole fejn nsibu Pjazza San Marco. Milano huwa magħruf għad-Duomo u għall-moda.

Attenti għal li qed jispjegalna l-għalliem waqt li niktbulkom ir-rapport! :)

Ruma li hija l-belt kapitali ta' l-Italja, fejn hemm il-Vatikan u l-Kolossew. Mela dawn kienu l-bliet, l-muntanji u l-vulkani li ra l-ħabib tagħna Togo.

Fl-aħħar lgħabna logħba biex naraw qgħadniex attenti waqt il-lezzjoni!

Jake Azzopardi & Sarah Buttigieg

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Giant Snake (Create-a-story)

I am a giant snake and I live in a big tree by the sea with my five babies.

One night, when I went to feed my babies, the food wasn't there! Someone had stolen the babies’ food. I was really angry and I had to go and find some food for my babies because they were extremely hungry. When I was on my way, I saw a mysterious lighthouse. I got inside and I saw many strange lights. There were people too and when they saw me they were really frightened of me. I escaped from the window and continued my search for food for the babies. On my way I saw a giant snowball heading towards me. It came from the icy mountain and so I started crawling with all my power to hide somewhere. When the giant snowball fell into the sea, I continued searching for food. Now I heard a strange sound coming from the sky. I looked up and I saw fire rocks falling down from the sky. They are called Cattabones! Again I had to hurry with all my power to hide from them. When I was going back to my nest, I saw a big box full of insects.

I was happy that I saw this box because I took some of them and went to feed my babies. Now they are not hungry anymore and now they are happy and after the meal/dinner they got sleep.

Nathan Frendo

The Thunder Men from Mars (Create-a-story)

Once upon a time there was call to the Thunder Men which were from Mars. The man on the phone was shouting ''Emergency! Emergency! This is London calling. We are being destroyed by Heatblast, Help! Now he is in your secret lab.”

''But we don't have a lab'', said Mike. ''He means the underground defence network!” replied his friend Philip. ''Now let's go and rescue them''. During the night, the Thunder Men from Mars walked into the underground lab and ran to the big door were they had the enormous screen. They went into the small room and switched on the automatic screen. They saw him taking the blue crystal. After a while they were feeling hungry and thirsty but they had locked the front door and so had to suffer an ordeal of hunger and thirst. Then they used their harpoon to take of the fish in the river which was called ''The River of Underground'', they crossed the river safely and used their amazing power of thunder to break the door and fortunately they saw Heatblast taking the crystal just in time so they fired thunder at him. Then Philip ordered Mike, ''Take the crystal'' so he grabbed it as fast as a cheetah. Then they calmly called the police.

The police took Heatblast to the cell. The police thanked Philip and Mike, the Thunder Men from Mars for their great help. Then Heatblast, from the cell, lay down his head and said ''I will never mess with the Thunder Men again!'' THE END

Andrea Schembri