Monday, December 12, 2011


Today in class we talked about kaleidoscopes and their brilliant visual effects.

Here is a very interesting video about how to make a kaleidoscope from home ...


Saturday, December 10, 2011

My favourite football team

My favourite team is AC Milan.

My favourite player is Robinho. I like how he plays. He is a Brazilian attacker. Milan is a very good team. My second favourite player is Ibrahimovic. He's a very good player too. I love Milan because they are the best.

Forza Milan.

Brandon Zammit

Friday, December 9, 2011


My name is Lydon Schembri.

I live in Birkirkara.

I'm a ten year old boy.

My hobbies are: swimming and playing basketball.

In the family we are five - my parents, my two brothers and myself.

Me and my family like travelling!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ħarġa ma` tal-iskola

Meta morna ћarġa ma` tal-iskola konna morna l-Limestone Heritage. Dik kienet l-ewwel ћarġa ma` din il-klassi. L-ewwel ћaġa li rajna kien film dwar l-istorja tal-ġebla.Kien film sabiћ li bih tgћallimna x`kienu jagћmlu fl-antik il-Maltin. Wara morna nagћmlu żjara fil-barriera u tgћidx kemm kien hemm sabiћ. Morna ġo kamra żgћira u bdejna nnaqqxu l-ġebel. Fl-aћћar morna biex nieћdu brejk twil u lgћabna ftit mal-annimali.

Jessica Farrugia Cross

Ħarġa Turistika

Morru l-Limestone Heritage u hemmhekk tistgћu taraw vidjow dwar kif ġiet il-ġebla Maltija. Wara tistgћu tmorru fil-barriera fejn qabel ma tidћlu fil-barriera ikun hemm żewġ persuni li jtukom mp3`s u headphones. Wara li taraw il-barriera terġgћu tmorru fejn dawk il-persuni u ttuhom l-MP3`s u l-headphones lura. Wara tmorru ġo workshop u jkun hemm raġel liebes ta` bennej. Hemmhekk tistgћu

toqogћdu tnaqqxu l-ġebel. Nisperaw li tiġu!!

Shanice Cassar

Yr 6.2

Monday, November 28, 2011

Outing to Limestone Heritage

On Wednesday 16th November our class, together with the rest of the other Year 6 classes, spent the whole morning at a unique touristic site: Limestone Heritage in Siggiewi where we learnt how the rock in Malta has formed millions of years ago, the development of the art of building, the tools used, had a hands-on workshop where we learnt how to engrave in stone while we had lunch amongst the lovely animals being raised in a separate area.

You can see for yourself how much fun it was in the following video:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Creating posters for a school event ...

Learning is fun and last week our class got another first hand experience of how much we’re enjoying learning in our new class! As part of our weekly short writing task, we had to create from scratch a poster, in English, about a future school event. With the help of our teacher, who guided us throughout all the process, we learnt about how are posters designed, how are they meant to persuade us attend that particular activity, how can they attract people’s attention and all the tiny details which make up for an effective poster.

Next step was working on the layout, the style of the poster and the information needed roughly, All along we were exchanging ideas with our teacher and between ourselves so that we could cover as many different activities as possible. We loved every minute of the whole lesson – drawing, sketching and colouring – and when the bell went off we didn’t realise it was time for the first break!

All along the lesson the teacher was going round and making sure we were on the track. And we must say he was quite impressed. Underneath you can watch all our work. Hope you like them too!