Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Mummy's Baby

A baby boy was born in a hospital but the mother and father were not happy with it so they took it away and sold him. An Egyptian mummy heard about the baby and decided to take it. The secret I didn't tell you about this baby boy is that it was born from a giant family!

The baby was sent in a huge box with small holes so it could breathe and was left in an Egyptian tomb. A few minutes later the baby heard someone walking. It went ''Tlick … tlick'' until ... the mummy opened the box. ''How cute!'' she said and took it further inside the tomb. She gave it some fresh milk and burped in her face but she didn’t mind. Then she put him in a cosy bed. The next day he got bigger and bigger and bigger until he was bigger than the tomb itself! The mummy was surprised to see that the giant baby couldn’t fit in the Tomb so it had to sleep outside. The odd thing is that the mummy noticed that she herself got bigger.

The next day the mummy was big as the baby! When it burped on her face it was a giant’s burp that made her also get bigger. The baby and the mother were happy together. The thing is this never happened and I don't think it will.

Jazmine Debattista


Part of learning how to be creative in English and narrating stories, the kids played a game called "Create-a-story". In which they were given five different handouts in the shape of a grid - about characters, places, objects, situations and WHEN their story had to take place - and ... click here to learn more how to play this game.

During the coming days I will post some of the children's stories which were really good and creative and different from each other.

Slideshow bil-kummentarju dwar il-Birgu

Agħfsu hawn biex taraw slideshow, f'forma ta' vidjow bil-kummentarju, mill-iżjed interessanti dwar il-belt antika tal-Birgu u hekk fl-istess ħin tkunu qed terġgħu tagħmlu reviżjoni tat-topik ta' dawn l-aħħar ġimagħtejn.

New blog section

From today there is a new section on this blog - the LINKS icon on your screen left just underneath the blog archives and above the list of followers.

The links are various and wide in subject - there are all links to other teachers' blogs, local councils' websites, educational websites (related to our school topics - for example tourism, weather, Birgu, etc) and even the official websites of two great children's authors like Roald Dahl and Trevor Żahra.

Use them and bookmark them on your pc!

More links will be added in the near future ...


Friday, February 26, 2010

Today's Parents Day

It was great meeting you once again and discussing the development & results of your kids!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Il-Birgu - it-Tieni Parti

Il-Project tal-Istudji Soċjali għal nhar it-Tnejn ħa jkun jitlob li t-tfal ifittxu u jsibu stampi tal-Port il-Kbir, tal-Forti Sant'Anġlu u ħafna mill-bini importanti li wieħed jiltaqa' miegħu f'dan ir-raħal storiku mill-eqdem. Fosthom wieħed jista' jara :

1) Il-Monument tal-Ħelsien

2) Il-Knisja ta' San Lawrenz

3) Il-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur

4) Il-Mużew Marittimu

5) Il-Couvre Porte

Finalment din hija l-powerpoint presentation tat-topik kollu li fih tkellimna dwar il-Port il-Kbir, l-Isla, Bormla, l-Kottonera, l-Kalkara, l-fortizzi li nsibu fil-Port, Forti Sant'Anġlu u ovvjament il-Birgu!

The Magic Door

Today's composition is about a magical door which takes you to a different world. Here are some ideas, in the form of a powerpoint, regarding this subject

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Downloadable PowerPoints tal-Malti

Jekk tridu taraw fil-kwiet ta' darkom il-powerpoints li għamilna fil-klassi dwar in-Nomi Kollettivi u l-Kelmiet il-Għadd (mill-1 sal-10 li għamilna fil-klassi llum) agħfsu hawn u tistgħu tniżżluhom u żżommuhom fuq il-kompjuters tagħkom u tarawhom x'ħin tridu u tistudjaw minn fuqhom ...

Għal-lezzjoni tal-għawm t'għada ...

Dawk kollha li għada ġejjin il-lezzjoni tal-għawm @ il-Pixxina Nazzjonali tal-Qroqq ma jinsewx iġibu dawn l-affarijiet f'basket apposta kif ukoll jiġu bil-PE kit :

1) xugaman
2) malja
3) karkur
4) underwear (f'borża tal-plastik)
5) lunch għall-brejk

Grazzi ħafna

Ps Min mhux ġej għal-lezzjoni xorta waħda jiġi bil-PE kit

Leonardo da Vinci

Today's English comprehension is about this great Italian scientist, painter and engineer who was born on the 15th April 1452 and died at the age of 67.

The comprehension passage is found in Way Ahead's Pupil Book page 62 and you should work out the handout ex A (true or False?); ex B (Fill in the blanks with ONE word) and ex C (questions a to d)

You can learn more about da Vinci here

Some of his most famous paintings:

The Last Supper

Mona Lisa

These videos are about two of his inventions:

object width="425" height="344">

Monday, February 22, 2010

Siru followers ...

Kif kont qed ngħid lit-tfal fil-klassi llum ħaġa li ilni ferm nixtieq hija li t-tfal u l-ġenituri jsiru followers tal-blog (billi jmorru fuq in-naħa tax-xellug tal-blog u jagħfsu l-kaxxa Follow with Google Friend follower), tirreġistraw isimkom u fl-istess waqt tħallu kummenti taħt il-posts l-iżjed li jolqtukom. Fi ftit kliem nixtieq nara iżjed parteċipazzjoni attiva kemm mit-tfal (għax wara kollox il-blogg huwa tagħhom) u kemm mill-ġenituri!

Jien ħa nagħmel ħilti kollha li ninkludi iżjed xogħol tat-tfal bħal kitbiet, tpinġijiet u ritratti t'attivitajiet li jsiru fil-klassi tagħna!

Grazzi ħafna.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

At the airport (Way Ahead Unit 11)

Some information about different airports around the world and everything that surrounds them ...

An everyday scene at one of Heathrow terminals in London:

Heathrow airport (the largest in Europe and one of the biggest in the world) has FIVE terminals (whereas Malta has one ...) This is one of them.

Queueing at a check-in gate :

Boarding gates (how enormous!) :

This is a really interesting video about the experience of landing at an airport (it's the JFK airport - the biggest in the world - of New York), something we talked about in class this week.

While this one is amazing. It's about a take off of a KLM (Dutch airline) flight from San Francisco towards the Pacific Ocean.

Friday, February 19, 2010

List of activities for next week

Monday 22nd - Children should come in their PE kit for the PE lesson. They will have the Italian & Science lesson too.

Tuesday 23rd - On the occasion of the Centenary of the Il-Ħerba Sanctuary in Birkirkara we will be going to both the Basilica and the Sanctuary for activities organised especially for the kids. Parents please read the note by Mr Cassar given to the kids today. Children come in their tracksuit.

Wednesday 24th - Fourth swimming lesson @ Tal-Qroqq. (Weather is predicted to be sunny) All kids come to school in tracksuit as in the afternoon they will have an athletics lesson.

Thursday 25th - For Drama lesson students are asked to bring the costumes the Drama teacher told you about.

Friday 26th - Parents Day. Children don't have school. Parents are gently asked to keep with their appointment time while urged to bring a piece of paper and a biro so that you can write your kids' results as this year results will be given orally by the teacher not written down as usual. Thanks

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mappa interattiva ta' Malta u Għawdex

Grazzi għall-blog t'għalliema oħra fl-iskola tagħna, Mrs Grima, iltqajt ma' din il-mappa interattiva ta' pajjiżna. Hija mappa mill-aktar bżonnjuża għall-Istudji Soċjali u biex tiskopru iżjed dwar Malta u Għawdex. Fiha tistgħu ssibu informazzjoni dwar kull belt u raħal; fejn tistgħu ssibu attrazzjonijiet kulturali, storiċi u naturali; mużewijiet, knejjes, bajjiet, torrijiet u fortifikazzjonijiet kif ukoll ġonna u parks naturali.

Biex tarawha agħfsu hawn

Il-Birgu ...

Dehra mill-ajru tal-Birgu, waħda mill-peniżoli li nsibu fil-Port il-Kbir. Innutaw il-Kalkara fuq il-lemin u l-Isla fuq ix-xellug.

Forti Sant'Anġlu - li fi żmien il-Feniċi kien tempju għall-alla tagħhom Hammuna, filwaqt li l-Għarab waqqgħuh u kkonvertewh f'kastell. In-Normanni bnew kappella lil Sant'Anna fih.

Issa araw sew dan il-vidjow għax fih summary tajba ħafna fuq xhiex ħa nitkellmu l-ġimgħa d-dieħla : il-Birgu u xi nsibu f'dan ir-raħal mill-isbaħ.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

San Franġisk ...

Illum bdejna nitkellmu dwar ħajjet San Franġisk, il-protettur tal-fqar u l-annimali!

San Franġisk, imwieled Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone (isem missieru), twieled fl-1182 u miet fl-eta żgħira ta' 44 sena fl-1226 fil-belt t'Assisi, qrib Perugia. Huwa meqjus, flimkien ma' Santa Katerina, bħala l-Qaddis Patrun tal-Italja.

Il-festa tiegħu tiġi ċċelebrata nhar l-4 t'Ottubru.

Il-Bażilika famuża li wieħed jista' jara (hija meravilja minn ġewwa u nista' ngħidilkom għax jien mort 3 snin ilu) :

Iktar informazzjoni dwar dan il-qaddis tistgħu ssibuha hawn

Vidjow ta' turista miġbud barra l-Bażilika fejn tistgħu tieħdu idea ta' fejn jinsab dan ir-raħal mill-isbaħ!

Waqt li din hija xena minn film mill-isbaħ dwar ħajjet San Franġisk ...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crafts tomorrow ...

Tomorrow morning in class we will be doing some carnival masks ...

Don't forget to bring all the things I listed on the board ...

an A4 cardboard whuch has to be green or violet or gold.
a hole punch
colours - crayons, etc
elastic or string
glitters or beads or feathers for decorating

Let's have some serious fun ...

Exams are finally over!

Hooray they are over ... :) We had a very intense & hard-working month of tests, revision & exams ... hopefullu it will mean good results!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Olympic Games

They are held every FOUR years. Its name derives from a place called Olympia which is found in Greece, on top of a mount.

There are two types of Olympics - the Summer Olympics (which are usually held in August and most of the disciplines held outside) and the Winter Olympics - which are mostly held in January-February so that winter sports like ice hockey, bobsleigh & skiing can be practised.

An olive wreath which the winners in ancient games would be given as a victory token:

Nowadays the winner is given a gold medal ... (like this one from Beijing 2008)

While during the Games for the whole day and the whole duration of the Games the Olympic torch is lit ...

Some more info about different Olympic Games ...

While here are some episodes related to past Olympic Games editions ...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sorry ...

Sorry for the fact that this last week I didn't keep the blog updated, but I had so much personal activities that I found it really & extremely difficult to find any spare moment to update it with homework and the rest.

But I didn't forget to congratulate the kids for the high and excellent marks they got in the English test. Two-thirds of the class got over 70, which is very rewarding!!!

From tomorrow back to normal.